Special Packages

Detoxification :

Emerge New...

Most of us are particular in maintaining the cleanliness of our body, dress and surroundings. But seldom do we think of cleaning the internals of our body. Our body is host to lot of toxins produced due to various reasons. Toxins from our food, polluted environs, occasional drinking and smoking, stress and chemical medication all accumulate in our body over a period of time.

Relaxation Package :

Dont outgrow your age. Grow more, Age less...

Feeling sixty at thirty! Life today has forced you to outgrow yourself physically and mentally. The success in professional life, wealth and social status couples with a series of lifestyle disorders, high targets, stress, family problems etc. Gone are the youthful vibes and joyous moments. The mental lethargy and physical sluggishness have taken grip of your system.

Grand Parenting Package :

Enjoy the second childhood...

The word mentor is defined by Webster as "a friend or sage adviser." For a child both the roles of a friend and advisor are performed best by its grandparents. They are patient, loving, and are able and willing to devote time for a child. In fact the grandparents undergoing a state of second childhood.

Chronic Disease Prevention Package :

Heal yourself Revitalising body against chronic diseases...

A cut in your skin heals by itself. A bone which is broken will join by itself. This is true for a young healthy person but as you age the condition become fatal. The revitalization capacity of your body is lost due to various reasons resulting in chronic diseases.Chronic diseases account for 53% of deaths in India, more than that of the infectious...

Job Fitness Maintaining Packages :

Home work for Performance...

The intense competitive world of our days demands perfection in performance with standards set high. Things are different from the olden days which were resulted oriented where the employee had enough time and options at his disposal. The new age professions have set high targets for individual where a decelerating pace.


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